Healdsburg Farmer's Market & The SHED

Produce grows like nothing I've ever seen in Healdsburg. At the farmer's market, we purchaseed fragrant basil, beautiful butter lettuce and the best bacon ever. After shopping for groceries (we made gnocchi and marina from scratch!), we headed over for a quick bite at The SHED, which I have now declared to be my favorite store in the world.   I could spend all day browsing spices, cheeses and cooking paraphernalia while people watching. 


Thankfully, There's Healdsburg

A trip to Healdsburg is not complete without a visit to the town square.  I dragged my dad along for an afternoon of coffee and shopping - similar to the torture he endured when I was younger (a typical weekend outing was 2-3 hours inside a Barnes & Noble followed by a rom com).  Downtown is quaint, cozy, and incredibly walkable; the streets are lined with tasting rooms, amazing restaurants, and immaculately laid out shops.  We spent most of our time browsing a couple of bookstores (goodbye, all my Christmas money), and my suitcase ended up about 10 pounds heavier on my return...

P.S. Stealing my subject titles from the Healdsburg Chamber of Commerce website is really working out for me, I think

A Small Town for All Seasons

I always travel to visit my dad's family during the holidays and was happy to have a few days in Healdsburg - the land of wine, and with my family: the time to eat all of the things.  I adore the cozy town square with its quaint (and expensive) shops, leaves that actually change colors and narrow roads that lead to dozens of wineries.  The wineries in the photos below are Hartford Family Winery and MacRostie (if you're ever searching for a gift for me, I'm fond of their 2014 Goldrock Ridge Pinot Noir...just sayin').

P.S. - the title came straight from their website, and I kinda love it


A couple weekends ago, I headed north with my dad up to Healdsburg to celebrate my aunt and uncle's 50th birthday.  I adore going up there - it's always great to see family (they have the best home up there), and it involves a good deal of wine, late night chats, and relaxing.  I really wish I could have stayed longer.

gorgeous balcony view
smart little Coco
all the plants and bugs are bigger up here
ready for the party

perfect for the hot weather

also amazing on a hot day

simply gorgeous
this balcony is a dream
self portrait